
Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions

TALLENTIT is committed to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, identified as REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND the 27th Council of Abril 2016.

Under this commitment, TALLENTIT ensures that all its data subjects will be able to exercise their rights, and for these matters, a Data Protection Officer has been appointed in accordance with Articles 37th, 38th and 39th of that Regulation.

Any data subject, in order to exercise their rights and/or present any questions, have at their disposal the email contact dpo@tallentit.com.

Personal data acquisition from data subjects will be made in accordance with GDPR’s principles relating to processing of personal data, ensuring that they will be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject, collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and no further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes, accurate and limited to what is necessary, ensuring appropriate security and kept for no longer than is necessary.

In the event of the need to lodge a complaint, following what is determined by Article 13th nr 2 d) of the above-appointed Regulation, data subjects may exercise their right by sending an email communication to dpo@tallentit.com.

This complaint will be handled through a complaint management process. Following the registration of the complaint, TALLENTIT ensures the execution of a communication process with the data subject, informing in a timely manner, each step of the handling of the complaint.

Finally, TALLENTIT is developing a Privacy Management Policy that includes all topics related to the implementation of a system for managing privacy of personal data of data subjects and which will be disclosed and published in due course.

Porto, March 3 of 2020